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The First Edition of MusiKenya will take place from

April 24 - May 21, 2023 at the University of Embu

At the end of the program OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION will be awarded.



We are looking for applicants with the following profile:



a) Being at least 18 years old. Priority will be given to residents/citizens of Kenya. 

(Exceptions might be taken for bordering countries)


b) High proficiency in English.


c) At least 3 years of training experience for wind players, singers, percussions and conductors, and 5 years of training experience for keyboard. (Exceptions might be made for exceptional talents)



a) At least 2 years of professional music teaching 


b) Showing skills/interest in management, pedagogy, and/or performance practice.

We welcome performers in any musical genre, with special attention to classical music, African traditional music, jazz, and hip hop.


Please prepare the following documentation:

1) a video or link to an instrumental/vocal performance (max. 2 min. - cuts are allowed)*
2) proof of identification (I.D. or Passport)
3) scholarship request of minimum 100 words (optional)

Once ready, please complete the Application Form by clicking HERE

*Please note that video materials need to be an unlisted youtube video or a VIMEO video or a Facebook video and links need to be enclosed in your application form.

The Application Deadline is March 1, 2023

Acceptance will be given by 10 days after receiving the application form.

The fee for program will be 5000KSH*, which includes:

1) Mandatory and optional classes (estimated hours/week: 15)

2) Instrumental private lessons (estimated hours/week: 3)

3) Optional Workshops

4) Performance opportunities

5) Housing & meals for the entire length of the program

6) Transfers to concert places outside the University of Embu

7) Availability of pianos, drumsets, and some traditional instruments

8) Certificate signed by the University of Embu

*scholarship/fellowship request is available on the application form.

For any inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Participants agree to abide by MusiKenya's guidelines as well as the current Covid-19 recommendations. Please note that photos and videos taken during the programme are the property of MusiKenya and may be shared for publicity purposes.

If your application was not successful, may it be because oft the limeted number of places or for other reasons, we encourage you to try it again next year.

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